The Journey Continues for two North Huntingdon
Martial Arts 🥋Masters

On Wednesday August 29, 2018 history was made at the Allegheny Shotokan Viola Karate Dojo. North Huntingdon / Irwin Residents Sensei Ray Adams, 76, and Sensei Dave Zezza, 63, were promoted to Master Rank in the art of Shotokan karate. It has been a lifetime of study, practice, and diligence that both men agree that has been, “a journey and not a destination.”
Karate is a journey, not a destination
Adams first donned a karate gi (uniform) in 1970. It’s a routine he still carries on today. He was a photography teacher at East Allegheny High School when and met fellow teacher Bill Viola Sr. (Founder of the dojo). Adams explains, “In those days karate was brand new. Sensei [Viola Sr.] had been teaching the students in the high school gymnasium and I wanted in on the action.” Nearly fifty years later, Ray is still kicking, teaching and loving living the martial way.
His training partner Dave Zezza, shares his passion as both men obtained 5th Dan (degree). Zezza, a systems consultant, began in his late thirties, and at age 63 he’s never looked back. Affectionately nicknamed “Tombo” or dragonfly in Japanese, he is the resident Kobudo weapons expert at the dojo. Zezza sports a dragonfly tattoo on his arm to signify his commitment. Viola Sr. explains, “Our philosophy is ‘old school.’ Black belts come and go, but to be a master we require a unique combination of character, skill, and teaching ability with decades of training.”
Adams and Zezza are still “learning.” They explain that a black belt is just the beginning. Now at master rank, they don’t plan on slowing down. Zezza explains, “I’m always thirsty for knowledge.” Both men thank Shihan Viola and Sensei Ray Walters for pushing them. They also acknowledge their friend and fellow Alumni of the dojo, Sensei Joe Bauccio, who relocated to Florida. Bauccio is training towards joining them in the ranks soon.
Adams and Zezza join a very elite club where only a few other Masters have ever etched their names. The exclusive fraternity requires a lifetime of dedication to be inducted. The only other Masters in the Allegheny Shotokan Karate Association are Bill Viola Sr., Bill Viola Jr. Ray Walters, and Jack Bodell.
The men exemplify that age is truly just a number, as both plan on kicking as long as their bodies allow them. If they can’t kick, they will just punch 👊. Adams and Zezza also teach and share their knowledge weekly with the younger members of the dojo and train themselves every Saturday morning and attend Shihan Viola’s black belt class every Monday night.
The official presentation to the dojo members and “gong” ceremony will take place Wednesday September 5, 2018.
Master can be defined as an artist of consummate skill. Adams and Zezza are a perfect examples of men who continue to evolve and share their experience. We are blessed to have them apart of our karate family. The Viola Karate dojo will celebrates its 50-year-anniversary in 2019. The new Masters are looking forward to a reunion workout .
Master Zezza and Adams know all 27 Shotokan Kata (listed below) so Shihan gave them a challenge outside of their comfort zone. They had to learn a kata other than Shotokan style and learn the differences in method, technique, and execution. The Goju kata Suparinpei was chosen.
Zezza and Adams follow the “martial way” Budo.
1. Taikyoku Shodan / Kihon kata (太極初段) Means ~ first cause first level Introduced by ~ Gichin Funakoshi
2. Heian Shodan (平安初段) Means ~ Peaceful begining level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
3. Heian Nidan (平安二段) Means ~ Peaceful second level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
4. Heian Sandan (平安三段) Means ~ Peaceful third level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
5. Heian Yondan (平安四段) Means ~ Peaceful fourth level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
6. Heian Godan (平安五段) Means ~ Peaceful fifth level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
7. Tekki Shodan (鉄騎初段) Means ~ Iron Horse first level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
8. Bassai Dai (披塞大) Means ~ To penetrate a fortress (dai=major) Introduced by ~ Peichin.
9. Kanku Dai (観空大) Means ~ To view the sky (dai=major) Introduced by ~ Kung Hsiang Chun
10. Enpi (燕飛) Means ~ Flying swallow Introduced by ~ Wang Ji
11. Hangetsu (半月) Means ~ Half Moon Introduced by ~ Bushi Matsumura
12. Jion (慈恩) Means ~ Thought to be named after the Chinese temple Jion-ji. kata and comes from Tomari te
13. Sochin (壯鎭) Means ~ Preserve Peace Introduced by ~Yoshitika Funakoshi
14. Meikyo (明鏡) Means ~ Mirror of the soul and comes from ~Tomari-te
15. Ji’in (慈陰) Means ~ Named after the saint and comes from Tomari te
16. Gojushiho Dai (五十四歩大) Means ~ 54 steps Introduced by ~Yasutsune Itosu
17. Jitte (十手)Means ~ Ten hands and comes from Tomari te
18. Gankaku (岩鶴) Means ~ Crane on a rock Introduced by ~ Bushi Matsumura
19. Tekki Nidan (鉄騎二段) Means ~ Iron Horse second level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
20. Tekki Sandan (鉄騎三段) Means ~ Iron Horse third level Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
21. Chinte (珍手) Means ~ Incredible hands Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu?
22. Bassai Sho (披塞小) Means ~ To penetrate a fortress (sho=minor) Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
23. Kanku Sho (観空小) Means ~ To view the sky (sho=minor) Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
24. Nijushiho (二十四步) Means ~ 24 steps Introduced by ~ Seisho Aragaki
25. Unsu (雲手) Means ~ Cloud hands Introduced by ~ Seisho Aragaki
26. Wankan (王冠) Means ~ Kings Crown Introduced by ~ Gigo Funakoshi
27. Gojushiho Sho (五十四歩小) Means ~ 54 steps Introduced by ~ Yasutsune Itosu
Suparinpei – “108 Hands”
Suparinpei is the most advanced Kata in Goju-Ryu and contains the greatest number of techniques. It is translated as the number “108.” 108 is suggested to have origins in Buddhism and can represent the “108 sins of man”. On the Chinese New Year, temple bells are rung 108 times to “drive away the evils of man.” In japanese we call this kata Hyakuhachiho.