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Survivor Karate

corky sikes survivor

Team Kumite represent Pittsburgh Sport karate with major national wins both Men’s Team Sparring Title and Junior Girls Sparring Titles at the 2013 Can-Am National Survivor Karate Tournament in Jessup, GA.  The event was hosted by Corky Sikes and World Class Karate.  Team Kumite now has the #1 national seed for team fighting for the Super Grands.

Billy Leader, Dominic Leader and anchor Cass Sigmon beat Team Velocity from Florida and Team ATL in the finals.  Great job guys.

Sara Russell, Hope Chase, and Bridget Chase also took top honors.

Congrats to Liz on winning her first National 1st place and Cameron for taking home top honors in Continuous sparring.  Ali Viola also captured the #1 national seed for female  sparring going undefeated in continuous sparring in 2013.

ASG all star gear












Gabby Viola sports her new ASG All Star Gear gloves with Aunt Ali